Equity Segment Transaction Fees

Transaction Charges Structure for Equity Segment –

As per revision in transaction charges notice 20221109-7 dated November 09,2022 transaction charges for group A, B and other non-exclusive scrips is as follows -

Detailed group wise bifurcation of transaction charges for A, B and other non-exclusive scrips is as follows-

Group Name Transaction charges per Crores on Gross Turnover
A Rs. 375 -
B Rs. 375 -
E Rs. 375, If the scrip is non-exclusive. Existing Rs.275, If the scrip is exclusive.
F Rs. 375, If the scrip is non-exclusive. Existing Rs.275, If the scrip is exclusive.
FC Rs. 375, If the scrip is non-exclusive. Existing Rs.275, If the scrip is exclusive.
G Rs. 375, If the scrip is non-exclusive. Existing 275 per /crs ,If the scrip is exclusive
GC Rs. 375, If the scrip is non-exclusive. Existing Rs.275, If the scrip is exclusive.
T Rs. 375, If the scrip is non-exclusive. Existing Rs.275, If the scrip is exclusive.
W Rs. 375, If the scrip is non-exclusive. Existing Rs.275, If the scrip is exclusive.

* Transaction charges will be charged on monthly turnover at the end of the month for group A, B and other non-exclusive scrips as per above table

* Refer Exchange Circular Number 20180628-29 and 20221124-22 for Daily turnover file for securities on which transaction charges are applicable.

* BSE Exclusive/Non – Exclusive Scrip Flag can be identified (BSE exclusive = Y ;non-exclusive = N) from Scrip Master File of Equity Segment (Column Number 12) provided on daily basis at Member Extranet and BseIndia webpage Member Help Section.

Transaction Charges for the scrips traded in groups 'M','MT','TS' and 'MS'

Order Type Transaction Charges
For Passive Orders, defined as the orders already existing in the order book at the time of matching (trade taking place), Rs.275 per Crore on Gross Turnover.
Active Order (Incoming orders that are matched against the passive orders at the time of matching) Rs.275 per Crore on Gross Turnover.

Transaction Charges for the scrips traded in groups 'IF' and 'IT' and 'R' -

Order Type Transaction Charges
For Passive Orders, defined as the orders already existing in the order book at the time of matching (trade taking place), Rs.275 per Crore on Gross Turnover.
Active Order (Incoming orders that are matched against the passive orders at the time of matching) Rs.275 per Crore on Gross Turnover.

Reference Notices no: 20170516-26 and 20200305-21

Transaction Charges for the scrips traded in groups P, ZP and All Demat scrips which are traded through the 'Odd lot mechanism' excluding scrips belonging to 'M', 'MT',’TS’,’MS’, 'IF' and 'IT' groups

Order Type Transaction Charges
For Passive Orders, defined as the orders already existing in the order book at the time of matching (trade taking place), Rs.100000 per Crore on Gross Turnover.
Active Order (Incoming orders that are matched against the passive orders at the time of matching) Rs.100000 per Crore on Gross Turnover.

As mentioned above, the transaction charges on securities will be levied at the rate of Rs.1,00,000 per crore of Gross Turnover. This levy is applicable on T day and the same reflects in the transaction charges report made available to members at end-of-day. However the cases wherein the settlement pay-in has been made in demat mode on T+2 day in such securities, the Exchange will provide transaction charge offset at the time of processing of monthly transaction charge debits.

Reference Notices no: 20150105-34 , 20140827-29 and 20140818-12

Transaction Charges for the scrips traded in the groups 'X', 'XT','Z',

Transaction charges for the 'X’,'XT' and 'Z' groups is as follows –  

Order Type Order Type
For Passive Orders, defined as the orders already existing in the order book at the time of matching (trade taking place), Rs.10000 per Crore of Gross Turnover.
Active Order (Incoming orders that are matched against the passive orders at the time of matching) Rs.10000 per Crore of Gross Turnover.

* Refer Exchange Circular Number 20171124-33 for Merger of 'XC' and 'XD' Groups to 'X' Group

The transaction charges for scrips traded in groups mentioned above shall also be applicable to auction trades done in that scrip.

All the aforementioned transaction charges will include current contributions of Rs. 1 on Rs. 1Cr of gross turnover to the Investor Protection Fund.

Transaction Charges for Offer to Buy Segment (Acquisition Window) & Offer to Sale Segment (OFS) –

Type of Segment Transaction Charges
Transaction Charges for Offer to Buy Segment (Acquisition Window) & Offer to Sale Segment (OFS) – Rs.300/- per crore of Gross Turnover
Offer to Sale Segment (OFS) Rs.300/- per crore of Gross Turnover

Transaction charges for SME ITP is Rs.323 per crore of gross turnover.