Debt IPO - Historical
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UGRO Capital Limited
BSE Bid DetailsCumulative Bid Details
BSE Demand ScheduleCumulative Demand Schedule
BSE Demand GraphCumulative Demand Graph
Security TypeSecured Redeemable non-convertible Debentures
Issue Period08 Feb 2024 to 21 Feb 2024
Market Timing10:00AM to 5:00PM
Post Issue Modification Date22 Feb 2024
LinksClick Here
Minimum Bid Quantity10
Rs.10,000 (10 NCD) and in multiple of Rs. 1,000 (1 NCD) thereafter (for all Series of NCDs, namely Series I, Series II, Series III, Series IV and Series V)
Issue Size10,00,000
issue of up to 20,00,000 Secured, Rated, Listed, Redeemable, Non-Convertible Debentures of face value of Rs. 1,000 each (“NCDs”) for an amount up to Rs. 10,000 lakhs (“Base Issue Size”) with an option to retain over subscription up to Rs. 10,000 lakhs ("Green Shoe Option”), for an aggregate amount of up to Rs. 20,000 lakhs
Book Running Lead ManagerJM Financial Limited
Syndicate MemberClick Here
Issue Structure
Blank ASBA FormClick Here
Eligible Banks
Branches of Self Certified Syndicate Banks (SCSBs)
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