Right Issue - Historical
All Prices in
Security TypeEquity
Issue Period19 Jul 2022 to 17 Aug 2022
Issue Size – No.of Shares49,62,22,210
Face Value1.00
Price (Inclusive of Premium)1.00
(Re. 0.25/- per Right Equity Share payable on Application)
Market Lot1
Abridged Letter of offerClick Here
Book Running Lead ManagerCapital Square Advisors Private Limited
Application FormClick Here
BSE Bid Quantity (ASBA)50,95,02,723 As on Aug 17 2022 5:00PM
Letter of offer & Extension letterClick Here
RemarksIssue end date is extended from August 02, 2022 to August 17, 2022
NotesIssue of up to 49,62,22,210 Partly Paid-up Equity Shares of Face Value of Re. 1/- each (“Rights Equity Shares”) of the Company for cash at a price of Re. 1/- per Rights Equity Share, aggregating up to Rs. 49,62,22,210/- on a rights basis to the eligible equity shareholders of the company in the ratio of 11 Rights Equity Shares for every 3 Equity Shares held by the eligible equity shareholders on the record date, that is, on Friday, July 08, 2022 to be paid to the extent of 25% of the Issue price i.e. Re. 0.25/- along with the application and the balance amount will be payable by the Rights Equity Shareholders on one or more subsequent calls of Re.0.75/- each per Rights Equity Share, pursuant to the Payment Schedule after payment of the Application Money.