Bhav Copy Help
Help with the Bhav Copy
SC_CODE Unique code assigned to a scrip of a company by BSE.
SC_NAME Name of the company.
SC_GROUP Scrip part of which group.
SC_TYPE Scrip category - Equity, Preference, Debenture or Bond.
OPEN The price at which the security first trades on a given trading day.
HIGH The highest intra-day price of a stock.
LOW The lowest intra-day price of a stock.
CLOSE The final price at which a security is traded on a given trading day.
LAST The last trade price of the stock.
PREVCLOSE The closing price of the stock for the previous trading day.
NO_TRADES The total number of trades of a scrip.
NO_OF_SHRS The total number of shares transacted of a scrip.
NET_TURNOV Total turnover of a scrip.
TDCLOINDI Indicator for Corporate Actions like Bonus, Rights, Stock Split, Dividend, Scheme of Arrangement on the day when the same is effective.
File Naming Convention eqddmmyy.csv
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