Notice No20181015-14Notice Date15 Oct 2018
CategoryCompany relatedSegmentEquity
SubjectListing of new securities of Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited

Trading members of the Exchange are hereby informed that the under mentioned securities of Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (Scrip Code :500010, ISIN No. INE001A01036) are listed and admitted for trading on the Exchange with effect from Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Security Details

84,77,500 Equity shares of Rs.2/ each issued upon conversion of warrants issued on QIP basis.


These shares are ranking pari-passu with the existing equity shares of the company.

Date of Allotment

October 8, 2018

Issue Price (Rs.)

Rs. 1489/-

Dist. Nos.

1708967610 to 1717445109


In case trading members require any clarification on the subject matter of the notice, they may please contact Mr. Raghavendra Bhat on Tel. Nos. 022 2272 8915.





Bhushan Mokashi

Additional General Manager

Monday, 15 October 2018