Notice No20180808-33Notice Date08 Aug 2018
SubjectSubmission of Networth Certificate, Auditor’s Report & Audited Annual Accounts for the financial year ended on 31/03/2018.

Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby requested to note that Networth Certificate, Computation of Networth, Auditor’s Report & Audited Annual Accounts (i.e. Complete Annual Report including Balance sheet & Profit & Loss Account) for the financial year ended on 31st March 2018, as per formats prescribed (as applicable) are required to be submitted to the Exchange latest by October 30, 2018.


As per SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD2/CIR/P/2016/95 dated September 26, 2016, Stock brokers shall submit financial statements to Stock Exchanges in the same format as prescribed under Companies Act, 2013 irrespective of whether they fall under the purview of Companies Act, 2013 or not. Accordingly, non-corporate trading members will also be required to adhere to the format as prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013.The due date for submission of the aforesaid financial statements to Stock Exchanges shall be the same as prescribed under Companies Act, 2013 for submission to Registrar of Companies.


Further members are requested to note that:


1.     Submissions of Networth Certificate, Computation of Networth, Auditor’s Report & Audited Annual Accounts (Complete Annual Report) are required to be made online in electronic format through BSE Portal (BEFS : BSE Electronic Filing System) by October 30, 2018.


2.     Details of the documents to be submitted are mentioned below :



Networth Requirement & Method of Computation as per the type of membership

Refer Annexure 1


Networth Certificate(Exchange Prescribed )

Refer Annexure 2


Networth Certificate(for Banks only )

Refer Annexure 2.1


Computation of Networth (Exchange Prescribed )

Refer Annexure 2.2


Networth Certificate(SEBI prescribed)

Refer Annexure 3


Computation of Networth (SEBI prescribed )

Refer Annexure 3.1


Auditor’s Report

Refer Annexure 4


Audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account as per Companies Act,2013

Refer Annexure 5


3.     The covering letter of the Networth Certificate and Audit report filings should be signed only by Proprietor/ Designated Partners/ Designated Directors / Compliance Officer of the member entity. The name and designation of signing authority should also be mentioned therein.


4.  The BSE Portal (BEFS) link for updating / uploading the above will be made available from August 8,  

 2018 onwards. Further, provision has been made in BEFS portal called BEFS Alerts to include a    particular email address for receiving alerts with respect to submission of Networth Certificate,   Computation of Networth, Auditor’s Report & Audited Annual Accounts.


5.  Details regarding actions for non-compliance of the provisions of this notice are provided in Annexure 6.


6.  Procedure for online submission of the documents through BEFS is provided in the BEFS Upload Manual  (Refer Annexure 7)


Trading Members observing the accounting year other than one ending on March 31, are requested to submit the Networth Certificate and Computation of Networth for the respective year ending within six months from end of the respective financial year


In case of any assistance required, members are requested to contact following officials:


Name of Officials

Direct Land Line



Mr. Ankit Kothari


Mr. Prakash Bhat


Mr. Jitendra Doshi


Mr. Amit Kadam






Amit Kadam                                                       Prakash Bhat

Sr. Manager                                                       Manager

Membership Operations                                      Membership Operations



Encl : Annexure – 1 to Annexure – 7


Annexure 1 to Annexure 7.docx