Notice No20181231-23Notice Date31 Dec 2018
CategoryCompany relatedSegmentDebt
SubjectListing of new debt securities of Wisemore Advisory Private Limited

Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that with effect from Tuesday, January 1, 2019, the under mentioned new securities issued by Wisemore Advisory Private Limited on private placement basis shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange in the list of F GROUP - DEBT INSTRUMENTS


1) Securities Description

Listed Rated Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures Series I issued on private placement basis of Rs. 10,000/- each fully paid up.



Market Lot


Scrip Code


Scrip ID on the Bolt System


Detail Name on the Bolt System


ISIN Number


Credit Rating

CARE BB(SO)/ Stable

Face Value

Rs. 10,000/-

Paid up Value

Rs. 10,000/-

Rate of Interest

For the period between the Deemed Date of Allotment and the date falling on the expiry of 2 (Two) years from the Deemed Date of Allotment, 16.06% (Sixteen Decimal Point Zero Six Percent) calculated on an IRR basis, without including any fee paid in respect of the Debentures; and (ii) for the period between the date falling on the expiry of 2 (Two) years from the Deemed Date of Allotment and the date falling on the expiry of 3 (Three) years from the Deemed Date of Allotment, 18% (Eighteen Percent) calculated on an IRR basis, without including the fee paid in respect of the Debentures (ii) for the period thereafter, 19% (Nineteen Percent) calculated on an IRR basis, without including the fee paid in respect of the Debentures

Date(s) of Payment of Interest

BULLET Payment

Actual/Deemed Date of allotment


Date of Redemption


Put / Call option

Put Option: the Debenture holders shall be entitled to require the Issue to redeem, all or part, of the Debentures held by the said Debenture Holders, at any time after the expiry of 48 (Forty Eight) months from the Tranch 1 deemed date of allotment


Call Option: NA

Call Date

Anytime post lock-in, including call option on partial Outstanding amount:

Lock-in would be applicable till 18 months, unless reduced in accordance with the terms set out in the Transaction Documents.

For exercising call option between 18 months and 24 months, unless otherwise provided in the relevant transaction documents, a prepayment penalty of 0.5% would be applicable.

Put Date

At least 15 days prior to the date on which the Debentures are required to be redeemed, the investors shall provide notice of its intention to exercise Put Option.


The trading members may also note as under:


a) The aforesaid securities of the company will be traded only in dematerialized form under the ISIN Number as mentioned above.

b)  The trading shall take place in standard denomination of Rs.10 Lakhs

c)  The tick size for the securities is 1 paisa


The Registrars and transfer agent is:


Karvy Computershare Private Limited

Karvy Selenium Tower B, Plot 31-32,

Gachibowli, Financial District, Nanakramguda,

Hyderabad - 500 032


In case the trading members require any clarification, they may please contact Ms. Rupal Khandelwal on 22728352/8597/8995.


Bhushan Mokashi

Additional General Manager

December 31, 2018