Notice No20191018-15Notice Date18 Oct 2019
CategorySettlement/RMSSegmentCommodity Derivatives
SubjectRevision in Delivery Settlement Procedure for Silver KG

Attention of the Members of the Indian Clearing Corporation Ltd. (ICCL) is drawn to BSE’s Circular No. 20190821-44 dated August 21, 2019 regarding Change in Staggered Delivery Period in Commodity futures contracts.


In this connection, Members are requested to kindly refer the attached Annexure for the detailed norms/modalities relating to revision in  Delivery Settlement Procedure and other specifications for Silver KG Future Contract with effect from November  2019  and onwards contracts.


For other details, Members may refer the aforesaid ICCL & BSE Circulars.


For any clarifications, Members may contact their respective Relationship Managers or any of the following:



Sr. No

Query Type



Collateral Management & Settlement

022 22728185/8467

022 22728843/8567

022 22725807/5109



022 22728759/5820


Commodity Delivery Settlement

022 22728616/5667

022 22725807/5109



  For and on behalf of the Indian Clearing Corporation Limited





   Piyush Chourasia                                                                   Dilip Kakwani

Chief Risk Officer & Head – Strategy                                   General Manager

Annexure -Delivery Procedure for Silver KG.pdf