Notice No.   20250116-38   Notice Date   16 Jan 2025
Category   Company related   Segment   Equity
Subject   Listing of Equity Shares of Swan Defence and Heavy Industries Limited (Formerly known as Reliance Naval and Engineering Limited)

Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that effective from Monday, January 20, 2025, the equity shares of *Swan Defence and Heavy Industries Limited (Formerly known as Reliance Naval and Engineering Limited) shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange in the list of T Group of Securities. The securities shall be available for trading in T group and shall continue to take place in Trade-to-Trade segment in accordance with BSE Circular no 20230210-55 dated February 10, 2023. 

Members are requested to note that, the above security will be a part of special pre-open session for IPO and Other category of scrips as per SEBI circular no. CIR/MRD/DP/01/2012 & CIR/MRD/DP/02/2012 dated January 20, 2012.

Name of the Company


*Swan Defence and Heavy Industries Limited (Formerly known as Reliance Naval and Engineering Limited)

Registered Office


Pipavav Port, Post Ucchaiya, Via Rajula, Amreli, Gujarat, 365560


a)    New Equity Shares on Reduction:


b)    Issue of new shares to Resolution Applicant on preferential basis pursuant to NCLT Order under Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016








26,82,150 fully paid-up equity shares of Rs.10/- each allotted post capital reduction


5,00,00,000 fully paid- up equity shares of Rs. 10/- allotted on preferential basis to Resolution Applicant.



Distinctive numbers


1 to 2682150 for Reduction (for reduction of existing number of equity shares of public shareholders of the Company which stand reduced to 0.36% of the existing public holding) and 2682151 – 52682150 issued on preferential basis.

Scrip Code






Market Lot



Face Value & Paid up value


Rs.10/- each fully paid up

Scrip ID on BOLT System



Abbreviated name on BOLT System






Lock-in details


No. of Shares

Distinctive Numbers

Lock in date




2682151– 52682150


*As per Exchange notice 20250115-41 dated January 15, 2025, Change in name of the Company from Reliance Naval and Engineering Ltd. to Swan Defence and Heavy Industries Limited shall be effective from January 20, 2025.

 1.   The brief particulars of the Resolution Plan are as mentioned below:

       i.    The Resolution Plan under the Provisions of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 of the Company was approved resolution plan as per the Hon’ble NCLT order dated December 23, 2022 of Ahmedabad Bench.

      ii.   As per the NCLT approved Resolution Plan,

a)    Public shareholding of 73,75,91,263 Equity shares of Rs. 10/- each is reduced by 99.64% in the ratio of 1:275 resulting in 26,82,150 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each after reduction of capital.

b)  Hence, the issued, subscribed and paid-up share capital of the Company shall stand reduced from Rs. 7,37,59,12,630/- divided into 73,75,91,263 Equity Shares of the face value of Rs.10/- each to Rs. 2,68,21,500/- divided into 26,82,150 Equity Shares of the Face Value of Rs.10/- each

c)    Further, Rs. 50,00,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Crores) were infused by way of investment by Resolution Applicant, as a result of which 5,00,00,000 shares of Rs. 10/- each were issued to the Resolution Applicant on preferential basis by the Company. As a result, the Capital of the Company shall stand increased to Rs. 52,68,21,500/- having equity share capital divided into 5,26,82,150 shares of Rs. 10/- each.

 2.  As per Exchange Notice No. 20230710-16 dated July 10, 2023, the Company had fixed July 14, 2023, as record date for giving effect to the resolution plan.

 3. Trading members of the Exchange may also note that currently equity shares allotted in dematerialized mode have been credited under the temporary ISIN in accordance with the SEBI circular no. CIR/MRD/DP/21/2012 dated August 02, 2012 regarding activation of ISIN in case of additional issue of shares/ securities.

 4.  Trading members of the Exchange are informed that the Equity Share certificates in Physical form bearing the under mentioned distinctive numbers of the company as stated alongside shall be good/bad delivery in the market. 

Sr. No.

Name of the company appearing on the share certificate


Distinctive Numbers


Swan Defence and Heavy Industries Limited (Formerly known as Reliance Naval and Engineering Limited)


1 - 737591263


Swan Defence and Heavy Industries Limited (Formerly known as Reliance Naval and Engineering Limited)


1 - 52682150

Hence, trading members should take due care and abundant caution while dealing/receiving/delivering these shares of the company from/to the market.



Ashok Kumar Singh                                                                                                              

Deputy General Manager