Notice No.   20241028-46   Notice Date   28 Oct 2024
Category   Trading   Segment   Equity
Subject   Trade-To-Trade Scrips – Inclusions in “T”, “XT”, “MT” or “TS” Group
Attachments   Annexure_TFT.xls ;


As a part of Surveillance measures and based on the extant SEBI framework, the Exchanges transfer various securities for settlement on a Trade-to-Trade basis. The criteria for shifting securities to/from for settlement on trade-to-trade basis is decided in consultation with SEBI and applied uniformly across the stock exchanges and reviewed periodically.

The detailed criteria of shifting scrip to/from Trade-to-Trade are available on website at!#her3.


The Exchange with a view to take preventive surveillance measure to ensure market safety and safeguard the interest of the investors, has decided to take the following Surveillance actions:

The securities mentioned in Annexure I, which are satisfying all the criteria I, II and III will be transferred to T / XT / MT / TS Group w.e.f. October 31, 2024.  The securities mentioned in Annexure II will continue to remain in T / XT / MT / TS / P / Z / ZP Group and would attract a price band of 5%.

Trading Members are requested to take adequate precaution while trading in above securities, as the settlement will be done on trade-to-trade basis and no netting off positions will be allowed. Further, as per the provisions of Exchange Notice No. 20050805-12 dated 05 August 2005; a VAR Margin of 100% will also be levied on these scrips.

Trading Members should note that the transfer of security/ies for trading and settlement on a trade-to-trade basis is purely on account of market surveillance measure and it should not be construed as an adverse action against the company. Further, this is a temporary measure and will be periodically reviewed depending on the market conditions.


Note: Shortlisting of securities is based on the XBRL submission by the respective listed companies.

In case, trading members require any clarification, members may write to us at


For & On behalf of BSE Ltd



Jeevan Noronha                                                          Saji Sunil Kumar

Assistant General Manager                                             Assistant General Manager

Surveillance                                                                  Surveillance


October 28, 2024