Notice No.   20230125-2   Notice Date   25 Jan 2023
Category   Others   Segment   General
Subject   Encouraging more retail investors to participate in voting on motions moved by Listed Companies

This has reference to our earlier notice no. 20230106-27 dated January 06, 2023, on “Encouraging more retail investors to participate in voting on motions moved by Listed Companies”, wherein the trading members were directed to provide access of e-voting pages of various e- voting service providers (ESPs), to investors through trading member website.

In view of the same trading members are hereby informed to submit the compliance of the circular through email at with subject “Compliance regarding e-Voting Facility Provided by Listed Entities on website” on or before January 31, 2023.

Trading Members are advised to take note of the above and ensure compliance.


Abhijit Pai                                                               Shilpa Mhapsekar        

Deputy General Manager                                                  Manager 

Membership Compliance & Investor Services                   Investor Services