Notice No.   20180531-35   Notice Date   31 May 2018
Category   Trading   Segment   Equity
Subject   Applicability of Additional Surveillance Measure
Attachments ;

With reference to the Exchange notice no. 20180321-46 dated March 21, 2018, notice no. 20180322-14 dated March 22, 2018 and notice no.20180511-26 dated May 11, 2018, it may be noted that Additional Surveillance Measures (ASM) shall be  imposed on securities as per attached Annexure I w.e.f June 01, 2018.


Further, Securities which are placed under the ASM framework would be reviewed on bimonthly basis for the applicability of ASM Framework. Accordingly, review for securities in ASM Framework has been carried out and list of such securities which shall move out of ASM Framework w.e.f. June 01, 2018 is given in Annexure II.


For ready reference, consolidated list of securities under the ASM Framework is attached as Annexure III.


Market participants may note that ASM framework shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time.

Also, it may also be noted that the shortlisting of securities under ASM Framework is purely on account of market surveillance and it should not be construed as an adverse action against the concerned company/entity.


In case of any clarifications, members are requested to contact 2272 5001/ 2272 1717 /2272 5158.


For & On behalf of BSE Ltd.




Rishikesh Tamaskar                                                            Yogendra Daxini

Deputy. General Manager                                            Sr. Manager   

Surveillance                                                              Surveillance



May 31, 2018