Notice No.   20171017-12   Notice Date   17 Oct 2017
Category   Trading   Segment   Equity
Subject   Graded Surveillance Measure (GSM) – Updated list of companies
Attachments   Annexure II - List of companies 17102017.pdf ; Annexure III - List of companies 17102017.pdf ; Annexure I - List of companies 17102017.pdf ;

Sub: Graded Surveillance Measure (GSM) – Updated list of companies


This has reference to Exchange notice no. 20170223-44 dated February 23, 2017 introducing Graded Surveillance Measure (GSM) framework as an additional surveillance measure. 


In this regard, pursuant to SEBI directions, it has been decided that identification / review of securities for GSM shall be carried out on quarterly basis instead of twice a year.


Accordingly, review for identification of securities for placing in GSM Framework has been carried out and; 


a)     Securities given in Annexure I have been identified for placing in GSM Framework and monitoring of these securities for action shall be initiated from w.e.f. Monday i.e. October 30, 2017.


b)     Securities given in Annexure II shall continue to remain in GSM framework with their applicable stages.   


c)     Securities given in Annexure III shall move out of GSM Framework w.e.f. Wednesday i.e. October 18, 2017.


Market participants may note that GSM framework shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time. Further, the amount of Additional Surveillance Deposit (ASD) collected on securities given in Annexure III shall be released on October 30, 2017.


Further, market participants please note that securities which are placed under GSM Stage VI based on SEBI direction vide Exchange notice no. 20170807-31 dated August 07, 2017, shall continue to remain in GSM Stage VI until further directions.


Trading Members are advised to exercise additional due diligence while trading in these securities either on own account or on behalf of their clients.


In case of any clarifications, members may contact on following numbers 022 2272 8792 / 8083 / 5093 / 5158.


For & On behalf of BSE Ltd.




Usha Sharma                                                                                      Rajesh Gandhi

Addl. General Manager                                                                     Asst. General Manager

Surveillance                                                                                        Surveillance


October 17, 2017