Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that effective from Monday, October 09, 2017, the equity shares of Sayaji Industries Limited are listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange in the list of XT Group.
Name of the company
Market Lot
Scrip Code
Sayaji Industries Limited
31,60,000 Equity shares of Face Value of Rs. 10 /- each fully paid-up.
Distinctive numbers:
1 to 31,60,000*
One Share
Registered Office Address:
Abbreviated Name on BOLT Plus System
Scrip ID on BOLT Plus System
Chinubhai Nagar,
P. O. Kathwada,
Maize Products,
Ahmedabad – 382430
Email ID for Investor Grievances:
*23,69,240 Equity Shares held by Promoters are to be kept under lock in up to October 13, 2020.
1. Trading Members may note that as per the guidelines issued by SEBI dated 16th February, 2000, securities of the company will only be traded in Dematerialised form. Trades effected in this scrip will be in unit market lot (i.e. one share).
2. The Trading in the scrip shall continue to remain in Trade-for-Trade segment till further notice since 100% of Promoter shareholding and 50% of the Public shareholding of the company is not in demat form, as per extent SEBI guidelines
3. Trading Members are further requested to note that dealing in the above mentioned scrip of the Company will be allowed only under “Periodic Call Auction System” (PCAS), with applicable price band till the Company meets the Main Board norms of the Exchange.
For further information on Periodic Call Auction System (PCAS), the Trading Members are requested to refer SEBI circular no CIR/MRD/DP/38/2013 dated December 19, 2013 and Exchange Notice No-20131220-26 dated December 20, 2013.
4. The Equity shares of the company are listed at Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited and Ahmedabad Stock Exchange Limited.
5. The unaudited financial result of the Company for the Quarter-ended June 30, 2017 is enclosed as Annexure I.
6. A copy of the Shareholding Pattern as on October 03, 2017, as submitted by the company, is enclosed as Annexure II.
7. Copy of Annual Report for the Year ended 2016-2017 is enclosed as Annexure III.
8. The Company’s financial year ending is March 31.
9. The Company Profile containing all the information about the company can be viewed at
10. The address of the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company is given below:
Karvy Computershare Ltd.
Karvy Selenium Tower,
B, Plot 31-32,
Gachibowli Financial,
District Nanakramguda
Hyderabad – 500034
Phone No. – 040 – 44655000
In case Trading Members require any clarifications on the subject matter of this Notice, they may please contact any of the following:
A) At the company:
Mr. Rajesh Shah
(Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)
Email ID -
Registered Office Address:-
Chinubhai Nagar,
P. O. Kathwada,
Maize Products,
Ahmedabad – 382430
Phone: 079-22901581/9898032033
Email ID for Investor Grievances:
B) At the Exchange:
Mr. Atul Dhotre
Senior Manager – Listing
Tel. No.: +91-22-22728934
For BSE Ltd.,
Girish Joshi Atul Dhotre
Senior General Manager Senior Manager
Thursday, October 05, 2017
Encl: a/a |