This is in continuation to BSE notice no. 20170403-16 dated April 3, 2017 and 20170413-27 dated April 13, 2017 whereby stock brokers were required to submit the System Audit Report for the period ended March 31, 2017 latest by June 30, 2017.
Please note that in case of non/late submission of System audit report for period ended March 31, 2017 beyond June 30, 2017, disciplinary action/charges are as follows:
1. Charges of Rs 100/- per day will be levied for the month of July 2017.
2. Further, from August 1, 2017 Exchange will withdraw BOLT /BOLTPLUS/ IML facility for non-submission of System audit report.
Stock Brokers are once again reminded to submit the Annual System audit report (Preliminary Audit report and Executive Summary Report) latest by June 30, 2017 through following link:
In case of assistance in submission of the report, stock brokers are requested to contact HelpDesk at 022 6136 3100 (Hunting).
In case of any further clarification, the stock brokers may contact the following officials.
Sr. No.
Name of Official
Tel No.
Ms. Jyoti Thukral
Ms. Priya Pillai