In continuation of the BSE’s Notice No. 20100826–24 dated 26th August, 2010, Trading Members of BSE are requested to note SEBI’s Circular No.CIR/MRD/DSA/29/2010 dated 31st August, 2010 (A copy enclosed as Annexure I); the contents of which are self-explanatory.
The Trading Members of BSE are requested to display SEBI’s aforesaid Circular No. CIR/MRD/DSA/29/2010 dated 31.08.2010 on their respective websites.
For any clarification, Trading Members may please contact the following officials of Department of Investor Services:
1. Mr. Hemant Dharap, Manager (022–2272 8204)
2. Mr. Bharat Dave, Dy. Manager (022-2272 8150)
Arun K. Dolas Hemant Dharap
Addl. General Manager Manager
Department of Investor Services Dept. of Investor Services
Date: 7th September, 2010
Encl: a/a