Shareholding Pattern
Scrip Code : 512599Quarter ending : December 2008

Shareholding of securities (including shares, warrants, convertible securities) of persons belonging to the category Public and holding more than 1% of the total number of shares

Sl. No.Name of the ShareholderNo. of Shares heldShares as % of Total No. of SharesDetails of warrantsDetails of convertible securitiesTotal shares (including underlying shares assuming full conversion of warrants and convertible securities) as a % of diluted share capital
Number of warrants heldAs a % total number of warrants of the same classNumber of convertible securities held% w.r.t total number of convertible securities of the same class
1Mavi Investment Fund Ltd91178333.70
2Bank Julius Baer & Company Ltd102682824.16
3Lotus Global Investments Ltd111303034.51
4Reliance Capital Trustee Company Ltd27480091.11
5Tejal Ramanlal Desai31852701.29
6Urmi Bharatkumar Desai30730571.25