Shareholding Pattern
Scrip Code : 500182Quarter ending : September 2015

Shareholding of securities (including shares, warrants, convertible securities) of persons belonging to the category Public and holding more than 1% of the total number of shares

Sl. No.Name of the ShareholderNo. of Shares heldShares as % of Total No. of SharesDetails of warrantsDetails of convertible securitiesTotal shares (including underlying shares assuming full conversion of warrants and convertible securities) as a % of diluted share capital
Number of warrants heldAs a % total number of warrants of the same classNumber of convertible securities held% w.r.t total number of convertible securities of the same class
1Life Insurance Corporation of India95189454.7700.0000.004.77
2Lathe Investment Pte Ltd55544802.7800.0000.002.78
3Aberdeen Global Indian Equity (Mauritius) Ltd45100002.2600.0000.002.26
4Lazard Asset Management LLC A/c Lazard Emerging Markets Portfolio40647802.0400.0000.002.04
5Oppenheimer International Growth Fund38832511.9400.0000.001.94
6Aberdeen Emerging Markets Fund38480351.9300.0000.001.93
7BC India Private Investors II29804261.4900.0000.001.49
8Aberdeen Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund24382471.2200.0000.001.22
9Aberdeen Emerging Markets Equity Fund, A Series Of23206991.1600.0000.001.16
10Govenment Pension Fund Global22594301.1300.0000.001.13
11Life Insurance Corporation of India P & GS Fund21864321.0900.0000.001.09