Shareholding Pattern
Pradhin Ltd
Scrip Code : 530095
Date Begin :  01 Oct 2001
Quarter Ending : December 2001
Date End :  31 Dec 2001
CategoryNo.of Shares Held% of Share Holding
Promoter's Holding  
Indian Promoters188520051.67
Govind Prasad Agarwal919352.52
Murarilal Sonthalia473301.3
Rashmi Sonthalia424751.16
Amar Kumar Sonthalia627501.72
Govind Prasad Agarwal - HUF400001.1
Hari Narayan Joshi1076252.95
Tulsi Devi Agarwal794502.18
Nandini Agarwal1026252.81
Gita Agarwal382501.05
Gopiram Agarwal764502.1
Suresh Kumar Agarwal779002.13
Yugveri Marketing Pvt Ltd40344511.06
Arun Kumar Agarwal1764754.84
Sub Total188520051.67
Non Promoter's Holding  
Private Corporate Bodies40102510.99
Tuhadi Commodities Pvt Ltd500001.37
Indian Public132747536.38
Sub Total176360048.33
Grand Total3648800100

Total Foreign Shareholding is 35,100 shares representing 0.96% of the total capital.