Standalone Results
Result Type:         Segment
Security Code : 533006 Company Name : BIRLA COTSYN INDIA LTD.

Date Begin01-Oct-09
Date End31-Dec-09
DescriptionAmount (Rs. million)
Net Sales/Revenue From Operations975.95
Net Sales / Income from Operations971.01
Other Operating Income4.94
(Increase) / Decrease In Stock In Trade & WIP-55.34
Consumption of Raw Materials-218.26
Employees Cost-37.08
Other Expenditure-79.72
Purchase of Traded Goods-517.93
Profit from Operations before Other Income, Interest and Exceptional Items49.68
Other Income6.72
Profit before Interest and Exceptional Items56.40
Profit after Interest but before Exceptional Items30.75
Profit (+)/ Loss (-) from Ordinary Activities before Tax30.75
Current Tax-1.07
Deferred Tax-6.38
Net Profit (+)/ Loss (-) from Ordinary Activities after Tax23.30
Net Profit23.30
Equity Capital1,166.00
Face Value (in Rs)10.00
Basic & Diluted EPS after Extraordinary items0.02
Number of Public Shareholding76,80,71,430.00
Percentage of Public Shareholding65.87
Encumbered Number of Shares12,81,75,370.00
% of the total of promoter & promoter group32.21
% of the total share capital of the company10.99
Non-encumbered Number of Shares26,97,61,300.00
% of the total of promoter & promoter group67.79
% of the total share capital of the company23.14

Note : 1. The results displayed here are as furnished by the company at the relevant point of time.
2. Operating Profit Margin, Net Profit Margin and Cash EPS is calculated and not furnished by the company.
3. Quarterly, Half Yearly, Annual will be displayed for current period and 3 immediately preceding periods.
4. Where no data is available for any of the immediately preceding period, then there will be no display for that period.