Type | Un-Audited |
Date Begin | 01-Apr-11 |
Date End | 30-Jun-11 |
Net Sales/Revenue From Operations | 18.18 |
Expenditure | -21.40 |
(Increase) / Decrease In Stock In Trade & WIP | 1.69 |
Depreciation | -0.56 |
Employees Cost | -1.38 |
Other Expenditure | -3.76 |
Purchase of Traded Goods | -17.40 |
Profit from Operations before Other Income, Interest and Exceptional Items | -3.23 |
Other Income | 1.44 |
Profit before Interest and Exceptional Items | -1.78 |
Interest | -0.27 |
Profit after Interest but before Exceptional Items | -2.05 |
Profit (+)/ Loss (-) from Ordinary Activities before Tax | -2.05 |
Net Profit (+)/ Loss (-) from Ordinary Activities after Tax | -2.05 |
Net Profit | -2.05 |
Equity Capital | 37.50 |
Face Value (in Rs) | 10.00 |
Basic & Diluted EPS before Extraordinary items | -0.55 |
Basic & Diluted EPS after Extraordinary items | -0.55 |
Number of Public Shareholding | 12,22,721.00 |
Percentage of Public Shareholding | 32.61 |
Non-encumbered Number of Shares | 25,27,279.00 |
% of the total of promoter & promoter group | 100.00 |
% of the total share capital of the company | 67.39 |
| Notes |