Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532309    Company : GEPIL    
Outcome of AGMDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  01/08/2017 01:15:14         Exchange Disseminated Time   01/08/2017 01:15:18              Time Taken   00:00:04
Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 44(3) of the Listing Regulations, we wish to inform that the members of the Company, at the 25th AGM held today i.e. 31 July 2017, have duly approved all the business as specified in the Notice convening the AGM dated 20 June 2017 through remote e-voting and Poll conducted through Instapoll at the AGM.

Further, we wish to inform you that the combined results of e-voting and poll have been declared on 31 July 2017.

Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 44(3) of the Listing Regulations, please find enclosed the details of the voting results (outcome of the voting at the AGM) as Annexure - A.

Further, the Report of the scrutinizers is enclosed as Annexure - B.

You are requested to take the above information on your record.


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