Disclosure under Regulation 30(1) and 30(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011
Security Name
Name of the Stock Exchange(s) where the shares are Listed Particulars of the Shareholder(s) # Shares Voting Rights Warrants Convertible Securities Any other instrument that would entitle the holder to receive shares
Holding of No. of Shares % w.r.t. total share capital/voting capital % of total diluted share/voting capital of Target Company * Holding of Voting Rights (other than by shares) % w.r.t. total share capital/voting capital % of total diluted share/voting capital of Target Company * Holding of Warrants % w.r.t. total share capital/voting capital % of total diluted share/voting capital of Target Company * Holding of Convertible Securities % w.r.t. total share capital/voting capital % of total diluted share/voting capital of Target Company * Holding of any other instrument % w.r.t. total share capital/voting capital % of total diluted share/voting capital of Target Company *
{{(sp.Fld_Name != 'Total')? sp.Fld_ExchangeName:''}} {{sp.Fld_Name}} {{sp.SH_Fld_No_of_Share}} {{sp.SH_Fld_Per_Share}} {{sp.SH_Fld_Per_DilutedShare}} {{sp.VR_Fld_No_of_Share}} {{sp.VR_Fld_Per_Share}} {{sp.VR_Fld_Per_DilutedShare}} {{sp.WR_Fld_No_of_Share}} {{sp.WR_Fld_Per_Share}} {{sp.WR_Fld_Per_DilutedShare}} {{sp.CS_Fld_No_of_Share}} {{sp.CS_Fld_Per_Share}} {{sp.CS_Fld_Per_DilutedShare}} {{sp.OI_Fld_No_of_Share}} {{sp.OI_Fld_Per_Share}} {{sp.OI_Fld_Per_DilutedShare}}

No Records Found

( # ) a. Name of person(s) together with Persons Acting in Concert (PAC) whose total holding (including that in the form of shares, warrants, convertible securities and any other instrument that would entitle the holder to receive shares in the Target Company) is more than 25% of the voting rights of the Target Company. or
b. Name(s) of promoter(s), member of the promoter group and PAC with him.
(*) Diluted share/voting capital means the total number of shares in the Target Company assuming full conversion of the outstanding convertible securities/warrants into equity shares of the Target Company.