Issue of duplicate share certificates/Letter of Confirmation

Number of shareholders to whom intimation regarding Issue of Duplicate Share Certificates/Letter of Confirmation has been issued1
Details of shareholders to whom intimation regarding Issue of Duplicate Share Certificates/Letter of Confirmation has been issued
Date of Receipt of intimition
information of Issue of Duplicate
Share Certificates/Letter of Confirmation
NameFolio Number Number of SharesOld Certificate NumberNew Certificate/Letter
of Confirmation Number
Distinctive NumberReason for issue of Duplicate Share Certificates/Letter of Confirmation Non-Compliance trigger
20/02/2024 AASHNA SHAILESH SUNDESHA 00005483 850 15157 15173 34925 34941 19440551 19441400 - -
Name of Registrar and Transfer Agent(RTA) of the CompanyKFIN TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED
Name of other RTA-
Whether the Company has complied with Regulation 39 of SEBI(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)Regulations,2015Yes
If No, specify the reason-
Any other disclosure w.r.t. compliance of any SEBI Act, Regulation, Circular or provision-
Any other information-