Disclosures under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 ([Regulation 7 (2) read with Regulation 6(2)]
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Security Name
Security CodeSecurity NameName of  PersonCategory of Person *Securities held pre TransactionSecurities Acquired / Disposed Securities held post TransactionPeriod ##Mode of  Acquisition  # Trading in DerivativesReported to Exchange
Type of Securities **NumberValueTransaction Type Type of Contract Buy Value (Units~) Sale Value (Units~)

Regulation 7(2) - Disclosure to the Exchange by Listed company in terms of Regulation 7(2) (b) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
Securities shall have the meaning as defined under regulation 2(1)(i) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
Transaction type = Buy / Sales / Pledge/ Revoke / Invoke
* -(Promoter/KMP/Director /Immediate Relatives / Employee / etc )
** - (Share/Warrants /Convertible Debenture etc)
# -market purchase / public rights/preferential offer / off market / inter-se transfer etc.
## - Period of Allotment advice / acquisition of shares / sale of shares (ddmmyyyy )
~ - Number of Units = (Contracts * lot size) , Buy/Sales Value = Notional Value
In Case of Options, notional Value shall be calculated based on Premium plus strike price of options
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