Circulars to Listed Companies

LIST/COMP/9/2020-21                                                                                         April 27, 2020 


Dear Company Secretary/Compliance Officer,


Subject: Comprehensive list of relaxations granted in relation to compliance with various provisions on account of COVID-19 pandemic


SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 and SEBI (D&P) Regulations, 2018 require listed entities to submit various disclosures to the Exchange on various due dates.


Considering the hardships faced by the listed entities due to the lockdown pursuant to the COVID-19 Pandemic, SEBI has issued various circulars notifying relaxations in the timelines by which the compliance filing required under certain provisions of the aforementioned regulations, is to be reported.


A comprehensive list of the revised timelines based on the compilation of various circulars is enclosed as Annexure I for your ease of reference. We hope that this ready reckoner would assist your company to comply in a timely manner.


Stay Safe, Stay Secure  !


On behalf of BSE Listing Compliance Team,







Abhijit Pai                                                                            Shyam Bhagirath


 Deputy General Manager                                                     Associate Manager