Corporate Governance

Scrip Code :511724 Quarter Ending : September 2016

Annexure 1

Composition of Board of Directors
TitleName of the DirectorCategoryInitial Date of Appointment Date of Appointment in Current Term (Date of Re-appointment)Date of cessationTenure of Director (in months)No of Directorship in listed entities including this listed entityNumber of memberships in Audit/ Stakeholder Committee(s) including this listed entityNo of post of Chairperson in Audit/ Stakeholder Committee held in listed entities including this listed entity
MrAMAN BAIDExecutive Director24 May 2014---100
MrBINOD KUMAR CHORARIANon-Executive - Independent Director,Shareholder Director16 Aug 2014--60110
MrMONU JAINNon-Executive - Independent Director,Employee Director16 Aug 2014--60110
MrMUDIT SINGHINon-Executive - Independent Director,Employee Director16 Aug 2014--60111
MrPANNA LALL BAIDExecutive Director,Chairperson,MD01 Apr 2015---100
MrsALPANA BAIDNon-Executive - Non Independent Director,Employee Director16 Aug 2014---100

Click here for "Composition of Committee"
Click here for "Meeting of Board of Directors"
Click here for "Meeting of Committees"
Click here for "Related Party Transactions"
Click here for "Affirmations"
Annexure 2

Website Affirmations
ItemCompliance statusDetails of non-compliance

No Data Available

Click here for ""Annual Affirmation""
Click here for "Affirmation"

Annexure 3
Broad headingRegulation NumberCompliance status
If status is “No” details of
Copy of the annual report including balance sheet, profit and loss account, directors report, corporate governance report, business responsibility report displayed on website46(2)Yes-
Presence of chairperson of audit committee at the annual general meeting18(1)(d)Yes-
Presence of chairperson of the nomination and remuneration committee at the annual general meeting19(3)Yes-
Whether corporate governance report disclosed in annual report34(3) read with para C of Schedule VNA-

Signatory Details

Name of signatoryNamrata Sajnani
Designation of personCompany Secretary