Media Release

Media Release


BSE launches a check for Prevention of Trade Reversals in Equity Derivatives Segment


BSE, after the successful launch of various pro-active measures for maintaining market integrity and to curb potential misuse of exchange trading platforms, is now implementing one more such measure with effect from 14 March 2016. It is called as ‘Reversal Trade Prevention Check’ (RTPC) and it will be implemented in Equity Derivatives segment. 

RTPC is being introduced with an intention to prevent potential cases of trade reversal taking place on the Exchange trading platform which may have been undertaken for the purposes of tax evasion. RTPC will act as a preventive measure wherein the second leg of a potential reversal trade shall be automatically cancelled by trading system at the time of order matching in an on-line real time manner. This check shall be applicable on trades executed on  the given trading day and in an instrument (contract).

To begin with, RTPC has been made applicable on select set of contracts in Equity Derivatives segment.

Media contact 

Yatin Padia 

022 2272 8516