Notice No20180831-2Notice Date31 Aug 2018
SubjectInformation regarding Client funding in cash segment by the Trading Members for the month of August, 2018


Trading members are advised to refer BSE notice nos. 20041029 – 13 dated October 29, 2004, 20051216-8 dated December 16, 2005, 20150515-1 dated May 15, 2015 and 20151029-34 dated October 29, 2015 on the captioned subject. All the trading members who were active during the month of August, 2018 are required to upload client funding details for the month of August, 2018 through BEFS (BSE Electronic Filing System). Operational instructions in this regard is attached as Annexure-1.
Trading members who do not fund the clients have an option of submission of undertaking in the BEFS. In case trading member chooses to submit an undertaking, the member is not required to upload NIL funding every month and the system will treat the funding as NIL till he revokes the undertaking. In case trading member does funding to the clients subsequently, he would be required to revoke the undertaking through option available in the BEFS and then upload the client funding details.
Client funding option for the month of August, 2018 would be enabled in the BEFS from September 01, 2018 till September 08, 2018. Trading members can confirm the successful upload of client funding details through “SEARCH” option available in the BEFS.
 The description of the data items to be filled are as follows:

Data Item
Amount Funded as Margin Obligation on behalf of Clients ( A )
The amount funded as Margin Obligation on behalf of clients means and includes trading member’s own money put towards client’s margin obligations. The amount entered should correspond to the day when the total funding under column (E) is at its peak/maximum and the amount entered in this column together with the amount entered in (B), (C) and (D) should add upto the maximum/peak(total funding) entered under column (E).
Amount Funded as Settlement Obligations for Institutional Clients ( B )
The trading member has to enter the amount funded towards settlement obligations of the Institutional Clients who have been funded by him for the reporting month. If this column is not applicable then the trading member has to enter “0”. The amount entered should correspond to the day when the total funding under column (E) is at its peak/maximum and the amount entered in this column together with the amount entered in (A), (C) and (D) should add upto the maximum/peak(total funding) entered under column (E).
Amount Funded as Settlement Obligations for Non-Institutional Clients
( C )
The trading member has to enter the amount funded towards settlement obligations of the Non-institutional clients who have been funded by him for the reporting month. If this column is not applicable then the trading member has to enter “0”. The amount entered should correspond to the day when the total funding under column (E) is at its peak/maximum and the amount entered in this column together with the amount entered in (A), (B) and (D) should add upto the maximum/peak(total funding) entered under column (E).
Amount Funded under Margin Trading facility
( D )
Amount funded by the trading member to clients under the option of Margin Trading. If this column is not applicable then the trading member has to enter “0”. The amount entered should correspond to the day when the total funding under column (E) is at its peak/maximum and the amount entered in this column together with the amount entered in (A), (B) and (C) should add upto the maximum/peak(total funding) entered under column (E).
Total Amount Funded
Maximum/peak of sum total of ( A + B + C + D) on a particular day (E)
It will be the Maximum/peak[sum total of Amount funded as Margin Obligation on behalf of Clients + Amount funded as Settlement Obligations for Institutional Clients + Amount Funded as Settlement Obligations for Non-Institutional Clients + Amount Funded under Margin Trading facility] for a particular day of the month.
Total No. of Unique Clients
This column will include the total number of clients who have been funded under Margin obligation, Settlement obligation for institutional clients, Settlement obligation for non-institutional clients and under Margin trading facility. If any particular client has been funded under more than one category, then the client will be counted only once so as to avoid duplication.

Trading Members may please note that failure to upload the client funding details by the due date would attract penalty as communicated to the Trading Members vide Exchange Notice No.20060221-10 dated February 21, 2006.
In case of any queries/ clarification, trading members may contact the under mentioned officials:

For system related queries only
022- 6136 3100
Ms. Priya Pillai
2272 8598
Ms. Jyoti Thukral
2272 8214

 For and on behalf of BSE Ltd.
Jyoti Thukral                                                             Priya Pillai
Sr.  Manager                                                              Sr. Manager            
Broker Supervision                                                   Broker Supervision
Annexure 1.doc