Notice No.   20180216-18   Notice Date   16 Feb 2018
Category   Trading   Segment   Equity
Subject   S+ Framework - List of securities moving in to their respective Stages
Attachments   Annexure .xls ;

With reference to the Exchange notice no. 20170607 - 24 dated June 07, 2017  trading members are hereby requested to note that the securities as per attached Annexure shall be moved to their respective Stages of S+ Framework with effect from February 19, 2018. 

As per the provisions of S+ Framework published on June 07, 2017: 



Surveillance Action



·         Imposition of Weekly and Monthly price bands in addition to existing daily, Quarterly and Yearly price bands.

·         Imposition of very high transaction charges i.e.  1% of transaction value shall be applicable to both buyer and seller.

“SS” or “ST”


·         All existing actions including imposed under Stage 0.

·          Shifting to Trade to trade settlement mode.



·           All existing actions including imposed under Stage I.

·           Additional Surveillance Deposit of 200 % of Buy value applicable on buyer.

·           ASD shall be released in the sixth month from the collection month i.e. minimum retention period of 5 month.



Trading Members are requested to take adequate precaution while trading in the said securities, as the settlement shall be done on trade-to-trade basis and no netting off shall be allowed.

Trading Members should note that the transfer of scrips for trading and settlement on a trade-to-trade basis is purely on account of market surveillance measure and it should not be construed as an adverse action against the company. Further, this is a temporary measure and will be reviewed periodically depending on the market conditions.

In case any clarification required, please contact 022 2272 5175 / 5091/ 8497.


For & On behalf of BSE Ltd






Rishikesh Tamaskar                                                           Yogendra Daxini

Deputy General Manager                                            Senior Manager

Surveillance                                                             Surveillance



February 16, 2018