Notice No.   20080123-39   Notice Date   23 Jan 2008
Category     Segment   General
Subject   File structure for Securities Lending & Borrowing Scheme (SLBS)
Attachments   Annexure A,B,C,D,E.doc ;

                                                            N O T I C E

                    January 23, 2008


To:            All Trading Members of the Exchange


Sub:   File structure for Securities Lending & Borrowing Scheme (SLBS)


Further to the Notice No. 20071224-10 dated 24th December 2007, Trading members of the Exchange are hereby informed that a new trading platform for Lending & Borrowing of Securities known as Securities Lending & Borrowing Scheme (SLBS) will soon be introduced. The details regarding the same are given below:


1)      The members are requested to download the following files from DLOAD:


SLB Scrip Master

SLB Shut down

SLB Close Price

Note: Members are requested to use the same User ID and Term Id as in cash segment.


2)      SLB system will contain scrips with 3lakh series Scripcode

E.g.:  Scrip code 500999 in Cash Segment will be represented as Scrip code 300999 in SLB Segment.


3)      Only the eligible Member Admin terminals will be activated by the exchange. It would be the sole responsibility of the member to activate their trader terminals.


4)      All the eligible members are requested to register their UCC clients separately using the UCC system. The members have to use appropriate UCC in the SLB trading system.

Notice for the UCC Client registration will be issued shortly. 


5)      All the files generated during and after trading will be downloaded in C:\Boltntsbt Folder.

Ø     All the Front-end generated SLB files will have file extension with “S” prefix.

E.g.: Pending Orders file is *.PND extension in cash segment and the same will have *.SPND extension in SLB Segment.


Ø     All the system generated files in the SLB system will have “S” prefix in their filename.

E.g.: Scripmaster file is SCRIP.MAS file in cash segment and the same will be SSCRIP.MAS in SLB Segment.


6)      The File / Report format details of various segment in our SLB Trading system are given below:


S. No.

File/ Report Format Details






SLB files from DLOAD

Annexure A


SLB Front-end Files (Downloadable to Members/ Custodian/ Admin terminal)

Annexure B


Reports from Clearing House

Annexure C


Settlement Files and Reports

Annexure D


UCC Reports

Annexure E



7)      SLB system for Mock Trading will be tentatively available from 28th January 2008 and the notice regarding the same will be issued in due course of time.

 For any further queries, kindly contact:

 1)      SLB System Queries

Mr.Sanjay Pardiwala – Extn 8252

Ms.Chhaya Bangera – Extn 8356

Ms. Naina Jino – Extn 8485

2)      Settlement System Queries

      Ms.Tejal Desai – Extn 8253

      Mr.Shakti Singh – Extn 8261

      Ms. Anila Bansod – Extn 8718

 3) UCC Reports

     Mr. K. Mohanan - Extn 8416

 4) Clearing House Queries

     Mr. Milind Wankhedkar – Extn 5034

     Ms. Vrushali Patil – Extn 5049


Dilip P. Oak

General Manager – DOT