Shareholding Pattern
Scrip Code : 532105Quarter ending : September 2015

Shareholding of securities (including shares, warrants, convertible securities) of persons belonging to the category Public and holding more than 1% of the total number of shares

Sl. No.Name of the ShareholderNo. of Shares heldShares as % of Total No. of SharesDetails of warrantsDetails of convertible securitiesTotal shares (including underlying shares assuming full conversion of warrants and convertible securities) as a % of diluted share capital
Number of warrants heldAs a % total number of warrants of the same classNumber of convertible securities held% w.r.t total number of convertible securities of the same class
1Sunwell Farm Pvt Ltd225000027.5200.0000.000.00
2Sanjay Family Trust1221201.4900.0000.000.00
3Uma Singal2056002.5100.0000.000.00
4Neeraj Singal2056002.5100.0000.000.00
5Sanjay Singal2056002.5100.0000.000.00
6Bru Bhushan Singal2076002.5400.0000.000.00
7Indra Saraf822001.0100.0000.000.00
8Nar Narayan Saraf822001.0100.0000.000.00
9Nikunj Saraf822001.0100.0000.000.00
10Sanjay Saraf822001.0100.0000.000.00
11Sailesh Saraf822001.0100.0000.000.00
12Ramgopal Agrawal1480001.8100.0000.000.00